White spots, black marks, red lines on your nails. Don't let these health indicators unnoticed.
THEY ARE DEAD AFTER all," we often retort if told about the importance of nail care. But hold on, like hair, nails are important indicators of your wellbeing. So,
take a nice look at your nails. They could be sending out warning signals about conditions as serious as cancer.
What is nail
Nails are layers of a protein called keratin and are made of six parts. The nail plate is the most visible, hard, protective piece. The skin around the nail plate is the nail fold and the skin underneath it is the nail bed. The whitish Crescent moon at the nail base is the lunula, and the tissue
overlapping the nail at the base is the cuticle.
BRITTLE NAILS:If your nails break easily or split constantly then you should lay off the salon for a while. Your nails could be over processed due to manicure or artificial nails."It could also be a sign that your body needs more vitamin A, vitamin C or biotin," says Dr Ruchika Ghose,
dermatologist in Bangalore. Include food rich in biotin such as nuts, fish, liver and eggs in your diet. Citrus fruits are also recommended. Also, get your thyroid levels checked for a better diagnosis," she advises.
YELLOW NAILS: A dramatic yellow tinge on the nail can be problematic as it could mean anything from nail fungus, smoking stains to psoriasis. Sometimes, there is nothing to worry; it is just an after shade of a dark nail polish. Try soaking it in lime juice, but if the yellow tinge persists or
gets worse, and is accompanied by pain, it could be nail fungus. Consult a doctor immediately.
HORIZONTAL DEPRESSIONS: Sometimes referred to as 'Beau's lines' after the French doctor who identified them first, horizontal depressions can occur on one nail or on all nails. If you haven't injured your nails, it could be a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory diseases, Raynaud's disease or diseases associated with high fever. It is advised to consule your physician.
Dark lines running along the length of the nail, sometimes darker at the base. It could be a benign mole, but such discolorations are to be taken seriously. "If it increases or widens at the base, it could be a symptom of a deadly skin cancer called melanoma,"
warns Dr Prithvi Ahok,consultant dermatologist, Aditya Skin and Hair Clinic, Hyderabad. Consult your doctor immediately and get a biopsy done.
Red or brownish vertical lines that run in the same direction as nail growth are known as splinter haemorrhages. These splinters could be caused by tiny blood clots affecting the capillaries beneath the nail," says Ghose. "It could be an indication of sometrouble with the heart or its valves. Sometimes, a common injury can also cause these lines. If that is not the case, consult a cardiologist
Try robbing your finger on the surface of your nail. If it is rippled with tiny indentications or holes, you could be suffering from psoriasis. Very rarely, diseases like Reiter's syndrome and other connective tissue diseases also show this symptom. Diagnose the underlying condition as soon as possible by consulting a physician.
This refers to mails that are either too.convex or too concave. "It could be a sign of anaemia, which is very common now, especially among young women" says Ghose. "It could also be an outcome of fatigue and lack of energy, thanks to long working hours. Anaemia can be detected by a simple blood test and can be treated with iron supplements. Do not skip meals and
include oily fish like mackerel, dry fruits, cereals, bread and green leafy vegetables in your diet to battle anaemia,"
adds Ashok.
The nail looks like it is lifting itself off the nailed. This is referred to as onycholysis and can alsoaffect toes. This could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism and is seen mostly in younger patients. Get a thyroid function test done to determine your hormone levels.
The colour blue indicates a decrease in the Oxygen level in the red blood corpuscles. This is common during winters or when blood vessels constrict. It could also indicate an abnormality in the levels of hemoglobin -Eat food rich in omega 3 fatty acids as this helps regulate the blood flow and ensures that oxyget reaches the nail bed," says Ashok. If the discoloration persists, it is best to consult a doctor
Dark lines running along the length of the nail, sometimes darker at the base. It could be a benign mole, but such discolorations are to be taken seriously. "If it increases or widens at the base, it could be a symptom of a deadly skin cancer called melanoma,"
warns Dr Prithvi Ahok,consultant dermatologist, Aditya Skin and Hair Clinic, Hyderabad. Consult your doctor immediately and get a biopsy done.
Red or brownish vertical lines that run in the same direction as nail growth are known as splinter haemorrhages. These splinters could be caused by tiny blood clots affecting the capillaries beneath the nail," says Ghose. "It could be an indication of sometrouble with the heart or its valves. Sometimes, a common injury can also cause these lines. If that is not the case, consult a cardiologist
Try robbing your finger on the surface of your nail. If it is rippled with tiny indentications or holes, you could be suffering from psoriasis. Very rarely, diseases like Reiter's syndrome and other connective tissue diseases also show this symptom. Diagnose the underlying condition as soon as possible by consulting a physician.
This refers to mails that are either too.convex or too concave. "It could be a sign of anaemia, which is very common now, especially among young women" says Ghose. "It could also be an outcome of fatigue and lack of energy, thanks to long working hours. Anaemia can be detected by a simple blood test and can be treated with iron supplements. Do not skip meals and
include oily fish like mackerel, dry fruits, cereals, bread and green leafy vegetables in your diet to battle anaemia,"
adds Ashok.
The nail looks like it is lifting itself off the nailed. This is referred to as onycholysis and can alsoaffect toes. This could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism and is seen mostly in younger patients. Get a thyroid function test done to determine your hormone levels.
The colour blue indicates a decrease in the Oxygen level in the red blood corpuscles. This is common during winters or when blood vessels constrict. It could also indicate an abnormality in the levels of hemoglobin -Eat food rich in omega 3 fatty acids as this helps regulate the blood flow and ensures that oxyget reaches the nail bed," says Ashok. If the discoloration persists, it is best to consult a doctor
Dark lines running along the length of the nail, sometimes darker at the base. It could be a benign mole, but such discolorations are to be taken seriously. "If it increases or widens at the base, it could be a symptom of a deadly skin cancer called melanoma,"
warns Dr Prithvi Ahok,consultant dermatologist, Aditya Skin and Hair Clinic, Hyderabad. Consult your doctor immediately and get a biopsy done.
Red or brownish vertical lines that run in the same direction as nail growth are known as splinter haemorrhages. These splinters could be caused by tiny blood clots affecting the capillaries beneath the nail," says Ghose. "It could be an indication of sometrouble with the heart or its valves. Sometimes, a common injury can also cause these lines. If that is not the case, consult a cardiologist
Try robbing your finger on the surface of your nail. If it is rippled with tiny indentications or holes, you could be suffering from psoriasis. Very rarely, diseases like Reiter's syndrome and other connective tissue diseases also show this symptom. Diagnose the underlying condition as soon as possible by consulting a physician.
This refers to mails that are either too.convex or too concave. "It could be a sign of anaemia, which is very common now, especially among young women" says Ghose. "It could also be an outcome of fatigue and lack of energy, thanks to long working hours. Anaemia can be detected by a simple blood test and can be treated with iron supplements. Do not skip meals and
include oily fish like mackerel, dry fruits, cereals, bread and green leafy vegetables in your diet to battle anaemia,"
adds Ashok.
The nail looks like it is lifting itself off the nailed. This is referred to as onycholysis and can alsoaffect toes. This could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism and is seen mostly in younger patients. Get a thyroid function test done to determine your hormone levels.
The colour blue indicates a decrease in the Oxygen level in the red blood corpuscles. This is common during winters or when blood vessels constrict. It could also indicate an abnormality in the levels of hemoglobin -Eat food rich in omega 3 fatty acids as this helps regulate the blood flow and ensures that oxyget reaches the nail bed," says Ashok. If the discoloration persists, it is best to consult a doctor
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